2022年8月15日(月)~8月26日(金)の2週間に渡り、JICA長期研修「イノベーティブ・アジア(Innovative Asia)」プログラムで来日中の、外国人大学院生のインターンシップの受入れを行った。インターン生であるZUBAIR Amirさんの出身国はパキスタン・イスラム共和国で、2021年10月から豊橋技術科学大学(修士1年)の学生として、化学工学や安全衛生環境、特にバイオガス等に関する研究を行っている。SDGsとの繋がりが強い分野を学ぶ中でOHSの仕事に深く興味がありぜひ経験してみたいとのことで、弊社のEHS企画室を訪ねてくださった。
Understanding Japanese workplace culture is essential for foreigners looking for work in Japan. Under the auspices of JICA's "Innovative Asia Program," I am pursuing a master's degree. This program's primary goal is to increase the flow of competent young talent between Japan and Asian nations in order to foster innovation across the continent of Asia. As part of this program, the applicant was required to complete an internship at a Japanese firm in order to get firsthand knowledge of Japanese workplace culture, hone the skills and talents needed for the position, and develop contacts in the Japanese industrial community. As a Chemical Engineer and Health Safety and Environment Representative, I have a keen interest in businesses working on Occupational Health and Safety Globally, and while looking for a suitable business, I came across EnBio Engineering. It is one of the few firms in Japan offering OHS services on a global scale and emerging nicely.
EnBio gave me the chance to participate in a thorough internship training program, where I learned about everything from work ethics to daily tasks, meeting planning, and fieldwork. By proving me with a really welcoming workplace, EnBio dispelled stereotypes about Japan's rigid work culture. I was astonished by EnBio's willingness to discuss its conflicts and bottlenecks in order for me to understand how dynamics function in every organization because it wasn't what I had anticipated. Now that I have a better understanding of this, I am convinced that comprehending the dynamics and politics at play in a company is just as crucial as understanding the nature of the business. My counsel to the readers is, "Expecting Good is acceptable, but always cope with the reality".
2週間という短い期間であったが、彼の積極的に学ぶ態度や異文化を柔軟に受け入れる姿勢は、我々社員にとっても気づかされることが多く、大変貴重な機会とすることができた。 今回のインターンでの経験が、彼の今後のキャリアにとって良い影響を与えるものであることを願い、そしてさらなる活躍を期待している。
Understanding Japanese workplace culture is essential for foreigners looking for work in Japan. Under the auspices of JICA's "Innovative Asia Program," I am pursuing a master's degree. This program's primary goal is to increase the flow of competent young talent between Japan and Asian nations in order to foster innovation across the continent of Asia. As part of this program, the applicant was required to complete an internship at a Japanese firm in order to get firsthand knowledge of Japanese workplace culture, hone the skills and talents needed for the position, and develop contacts in the Japanese industrial community. As a Chemical Engineer and Health Safety and Environment Representative, I have a keen interest in businesses working on Occupational Health and Safety Globally, and while looking for a suitable business, I came across EnBio Engineering. It is one of the few firms in Japan offering OHS services on a global scale and emerging nicely.
EnBio gave me the chance to participate in a thorough internship training program, where I learned about everything from work ethics to daily tasks, meeting planning, and fieldwork. By proving me with a really welcoming workplace, EnBio dispelled stereotypes about Japan's rigid work culture. I was astonished by EnBio's willingness to discuss its conflicts and bottlenecks in order for me to understand how dynamics function in every organization because it wasn't what I had anticipated. Now that I have a better understanding of this, I am convinced that comprehending the dynamics and politics at play in a company is just as crucial as understanding the nature of the business. My counsel to the readers is, "Expecting Good is acceptable, but always cope with the reality".
Evaluating soil quality through observing variations in soil color
Final presentation in front of the employees who took care of me
2週間という短い期間であったが、彼の積極的に学ぶ態度や異文化を柔軟に受け入れる姿勢は、我々社員にとっても気づかされることが多く、大変貴重な機会とすることができた。 今回のインターンでの経験が、彼の今後のキャリアにとって良い影響を与えるものであることを願い、そしてさらなる活躍を期待している。